NBN Infrastructure Aspley
Project Description:
Full-service concrete package for Manteena
Project details
Terazzo was engaged to complete the ground floor slab and Bondek suspended slab for a new services utility building at Aspley.
The module houses necessary infrastructure for NBN. Ground slab construction was completed at the end of 2021, then Terazzo had a break from the project whilst structural steel was erected. Formwork and construction of the suspended slab and plinths was completed early 2022.
What were the challenges?
Given this was an NBN site where they store data, security was of high priority. Security guards were always required on site whilst we were working.
How did Terazzo solve these challenges?
Erection of site fencing allowed us to delineate our construction site and provide comfort to the client that we didn’t have personnel entering secure locations of the site.
Project result
Perfectly functioning ground floor, and suspended floor slabs were constructed in a high-security area where professional standards were always met.
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